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                      9.10 Carbon copies (CC)

     The Carbon Copy function, is more or less what the name implies.
     A function that allows you to send the same message to two or
     more recipients; a distribution list. The CC function is only
     active in the NetMail folder. CCs can also be used for File
     Attach and File Request messages.

     To use the CC function, put the text "cc:" (case does not matter)
     followed by one or more SysOp names or system addresses,
     separated by a comma, at the top of the message. Once you select
     to save the message, FM will scan the beginning of the message
     text for CC: and if found, process each element of the CC list.
     You can have more than one line with CCs. Eg.

         cc: bremin,#bodger,samet
         cc: howard,kasza,wallin,1:135/4

     Note that if you create several messages using the CC function,
     editing any of them will not reactivate the CC function. FM will
     only process a CC list the first time you enter a message (ie. a
     new message).

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